I’d like to suggest these how you can pack everything you need for your senior photo session to help you avoid picture day emergencies! Your senior photo session is coming up and you want to feel completely prepared and ready for the big day!

One Week Before Your Session:
Finalize each look for your photoshoot
You don’t want to realize at the last minute, that your shirt has a tear, or a dress is stained, or those jeans don’t fit quite as comfortably as you’d like. You want to feel put together with looks that are a reflection of your best self!
So try everything on before your session! Examine it in the mirror and make sure you like how it looks, fits and feels. Is it giving you the vibe you want to express in your photos? Look at each outfit in good light! Is it free of stains? Decide on shoes, accessories and undergarments for each outfit.

Make sure you have some variety in the outfits you pack for your session. Some ways to achieve this are to include casual and dressy, patterns and solids, different colors. Vary your shoe styles. Make sure there are some outfits you’d be comfortable sitting in so that we can get all the variety we need in your poses as well.

One Day Before Your Senior Session:
Check each item you’ve selected for your photo session
Layout all your outfits and look them over one last time. Iron your clothes and make sure there is no lint or stray strands. Include the right shoes, undergarments and accessories for each one.
Pack outfits and accessories together
Now let’s pack up everything you might need for your photo session so you’re all ready to go. Here are my top tips for packing:
Hang all elements of an outfit together. So if you have jeans and top, hang the jeans on the horizontal part of the hanger with the top on top of that. That way you keep all elements of the outfit together.

Place jewelry for each outfit in a separate ziploc bag. Then attach that ziploc bag to the hanger of the outfit the jewelry goes with. This will make sure that your jewelry doesn’t get mixed up and you know exactly what you are wearing with each outfit.
Pack all your undergarments together in a separate bag. Bring more than you need just in case.
Pack your shoes separately so they don’t get anything dirty. Place all your clothing in a zip-front garment bag.
Senior Session Packing List
- Your clothes/outfits for your session
- Undergarments for each outfit
- Shoes for each outfit
- Comfortable walking shoes for between photo spots
- Boots if we’ll be photographing in a field. This should keep you steady on uneven ground AND save your feet from any critters that might find your toes tasty. You’re welcome!
- Jewelry and accessories for each outfit
- Props you want to include
- Chapstick, lipstick or lipgloss
- Water bottle & snack
- Small Mirror
- Comb/brush and hair spray/gel for touch-ups
- Bug Spray
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