I’d like to introduce you to Tween Portraits! The tween years is a stage of life not often documented. When they’re young, you tend to keep up with the milestone photos. After that it’s the yearly school pictures and sports team photos. Then we often wait until their senior year to have professional portraits that really capture who they are.
I’m here to say that the tween years years should be celebrated. I’d love to help you do that with photography experience that helps your teen feel amazing.
The complexity of a tween…
She’s no longer a little girl and not yet a teenager. She’s in those in-between years. You know what I mean… first crushes, braces, not always confident about who she is. One minute she’s so sure of herself and the next, her world feels like it’s falling apart. It’s all part of growing up.
As a parent these years are both wonderful and frightening! You see their talents and all their potential and you’re so proud! You want to hold them close, but you know they have to spread their wings. It’s hard parenting tweens!

A Boost of Self-Esteem
What if you could help her celebrate who she is and get that boost of self-confidence she really needs at this age? Confidence in who she is, her talents, her passions and skills… Something that helps her understand that she is unique and beautiful. An experience that helps her feel seen and valued! Sometimes seeing yourself through a fresh set of eyes is really helpful, and that’s where tween portraits come in.

More than a portrait session
It’s so much more than a photo session. It’s reinforcing her self-worth through photos that help her see herself more like YOU see her. And through the encouraging words of those she loves and admires. We’ll put together a photo book that highlights all the things you love about your tween; photos showcasing her beauty, talents and personality. Then we’ll layer in sentiments from her mentors, family and closest friends.
Kind words from those she loves and admires will mean the world to her. And she’ll have her book to hold onto for always.

Not just for girls
These sessions aren’t limited to girls. If you’re raising a son who would enjoy and benefit, or you just really want to capture him at this age, let’s do it! I think a young man could gain alot from this celebration of his talents and personality as well.
Contact me today to discuss your tween’s photo session!

Get all the details on a sentiments photo session here.
[…] occasions like a wedding anniversary, high school or college graduation. This really awesome for celebrating and encouraging your Tween through what can be really tough […]